Join our next cohort to transform your business in 30 days!

Join the course that has helped hundreds of female business owners to get the financial bandwidth to hire teams, rent that office space and start spending on marketing.

Bootcamp Starts

Dates to be announced soon

Open to

All Female Founders

Facilitated by

Nicole Denholder, scale-up expert and women's startup funding expert

In just 30 days, you walk away with confidence and

An updated business plan

A working cashflow overview

A completed pitch deck

A solid foundation to start growing and even fundraising!

And there is so much more!!

This course is for early stage women founders who

Are tired of using personal savings to run their business

Are not able to get enough clients or regular cashflow

Don’t have the money to hire a team

Are responsible for every single thing in the company! 

Want to grow faster!

Let’s be honest...

It’s great to be the CEO of your company!

But if you’re the CEO, the customer service officer, the marketer, the salesperson and the product manufacturer, you might want to take a pause and think.

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What can you do differently?

How can you go from a one-person business to a legitimate enterprise?

How can you get the financial runway to hire new team members?

How can you manage your cashflow to afford more marketing  or invest back in the business

If you’re looking to move from Solopreneur to Entrepreneur

look no further!

Meet some of the amazing founders from
previous Cohorts

A snapshot of the incredible companies joined our Beyond Bootstrapping March cohort to raise their business to the next level!

Learn from experts

Our course materials include insights from experts that would normally cost you thousands of dollars!

Picture of Nicole Denholder

Nicole Denholder

Next Chapter Raise

Picture of Amanda Williams

Amanda Williams

Strategy Lead
Next Chapter Raise

Picture of Andrew Barclay

Andrew Barclay

Marketing Lead &
Stepping Stone

Picture of Stephanie Ko

Stephanie Ko

LQ Pacific Partners

Picture of Maaike Doyer

Maaike Doyer

Epic Angels

Picture of Deviga Doreraja

Deviga Doreraja

The 10th Floor

Picture of Subhendu Mukherjee

Subhendu Mukherjee

The 10th Floor

Picture of Diana Dorahy

Diana Dorahy

Managing Director

Picture of Jeffrey Broer

Jeffrey Broer

Venture Advisor
Kohpy Ventures

This course is developed by scale-up expert Nicole Denholder, who has helped hundreds of business owners reach a place where they’re not the only member in their team, they have bandwidth to grow the business and they’re able to find new customers without breaking the bank.

This program works around you!

Live sessions + on-demand videos & worksheets that work around your schedule

I love helping female founders grow and achieve their dreams! I am focused on practical support and commercialisation to make a difference.

That’s my passion HELPING YOU!

Our course participants can’t stop talking about us!


NCR’s course is detailed and comprehensive. As a professional fundraiser for both start-up companies and VC funds, I recognise the advice as sensible and sound. A great source of good advice, and helpful tools to support you in the fundraising process which is never easy, and always requires a good dose of imagination, determination, patience and perseverance, even with the best laid plans.

Picture of Polly Setunga

Polly Setunga

Founder, Conscious Paper


My mind was running in all directions and had no guidance on what needs to be done first. NCR’s course helped me in the right direction after which exactly knew what needs to be done first, second and so on. It really put my mind at ease and I recommend it for anyone sailing in the same boat. Kudos to the team of Next Chapter Raise.

Picture of Natalie Chan

Natalie Chan

Founder, OWN Academy


NCR’s course provides all of the basic framework for engaging with investors and ensuring they are the right fit for your business. There are practical tips that only insiders know. I picked up new ideas about how to manage investor pipeline and communication and would highly recommend this course for anyone who is just starting out but also to those, like me, who have already fundraised and are looking to improve their process.

Picture of Sarah Garner

Sarah Garner

Founder, Retykle


NCR’s course is detailed and comprehensive. As a professional fundraiser for both start-up companies and VC funds, I recognise the advice as sensible and sound. A great source of good advice, and helpful tools to support you in the fundraising process which is never easy, and always requires a good dose of imagination, determination, patience and perseverance, even with the best laid plans.

Picture of Michelle Paisley

Michelle Paisley



Do the Business Health Check and Identify 100% of your pain points

Is your business not growing as fast as it should? 
It may be time to troubleshoot.

The Business Health Check is a strategically designed diagnosis tool that helps you to step back, analyse your business and find the areas that need your attention. It presents a clear picture of where you’re at and what you need to change to reach your vision.

Because the clearer you are on your business needs — and why you need them — the faster and easier you’ll see results!

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Nail your Product Market Fit

So you’ve been in business for a while and are very ‘busy’, but none of that effort is getting you the sales you need? It may be time to look at your product-market fit. Is there a demand for your products? Are you pricing correctly? Are you selling in the right geographies?

This lesson checks your market readiness and helps you answer that one question all investors want to ask – ‘How are you getting a product-market fit?’

Become a Cashflow Queen

Do you run away from numbers? You’re not alone!

Most small business owners are overwhelmed by doing everything, and managing cash flow data can fall to the bottom of the list. To ensure that doesn’t happen, we’ve developed a session that makes cashflow fun!

You get access to and learn how to use simplified financial formats that give you the power to assess your business objectively, be in control, manage risk, and know your growth targets.

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Winning Pitches

Are you one of those women who say, ‘I can run my business, but I can’t talk about it’. We hate to break it to you, but you’ve got to start now.

This course gives the voice to your business and lets you talk about the key messages that turn a Hi into a Wow. We have spoken to hundreds of investors and founders and know that being convincing starts with YOU!

Learn how to quickly turn a conversation to your advantage so you can hire faster, raise money, get more partners, push your sales and win more customers.

This is a course that keeps giving!
In these four weeks, you will get exclusive access to

Grab your FREEBIE!

Now that you’ve scrolled all the way down here, we’ve got something special for you!

And you’ll love this if you the kind who whips up a new pitch every time you meet a new investor or if you struggle for the right words to describe what you really do!

Download our free checklist to learn how you can practice mindful pitching that will win every single time!

Grab your FREEBIE!

Now that you’ve scrolled all the way down here, we’ve got something special for you!

And you’ll love this if you the kind who whips up a new pitch every time you meet a new investor or if you struggle for the right words to describe what you really do!

Download our free checklist to learn how you can practice mindful pitching that will win every single time!

This course, originally priced at US$1950

is now available to you at a

SPECIAL price of US$299!

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This course gets you to


Your business can and should put you on a path to total financial freedom. If you design your business the right way, it WILL.


Get the financial freedom to take your business towards unprecedented growth and unlock your boldest ambitions.


Wake up excited. Find people who inspire you. Get a team and be a proud boss. With the right support, you’ll experience even more profits, energy, and joy!

Our Partners

Why work with Nicole

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Nicole Denholder, founder, Next Chapter Ventures has empowered hundreds of business owners to transform their entrepreneurial journeys. Through courses, coaching and workshops, we have helped women fast-track their funding efforts, make winning pitches and take their businesses global.

She is also Co-founder of Sophia, a financial education platform for women to address the gender wealth and investing gap. Sophia not only teaches women how to gain control of their personal finances but also addresses the gender wealth gap and the gender investing gap. In turn, directing capital towards women-led start ups.

She’s one of leading voices in women fundraising in Asia and has been featured on SCMP, HK Tatler, Jumpstart Magazine, Bloomberg and more. She is also the host of Raise The Bar Podcast, that celebrates women founders and has thousands of listeners across APAC.

Get in touch for a personalised coaching session with her that helps you find the growth spots of your business in a way like never before!