Key strategies to guide you through the process of preparing your business for a successful fundraising journey.

Key strategies to guide you through the process of preparing your business for a successful fundraising journey.
Follow the Money: Top 10 Tips for Finding Your Ideal Investor Are you ready to take your business to new heights with the right investors by your side? Securing funding is a pivotal step in the growth journey of any entrepreneur, but finding the perfect […]
Ask these 4 questions to understand what kind of investor would be the best fit for your company’s future.Â
Looking for alternative types of funding is an important step in growing a business. In this post, we have outlined the differences between Grant Vs Government Funding as well as provided links to grants across Asia. This list will be updated on a regular basis, so […]
So you’ve got a great idea, a passionate team and traction in the market, you’re now looking to take your business to the next level and frankly you can’t wait any longer to raise capital. But before you ring the bell on that next investor’s […]
So you’ve started a business and are looking to raise money to take it to the next level. Here are the 4 things you need to nail to have a confident conversation with investors and earn their trust (and hopefully their investment). 1. Market Opportunity […]
So you want to be an entrepreneur but don’t know where you can get the seed capital from? Start from yourself. Before you look outside at others, learn to place a bet on yourself and give self-funding a real chance to give your concept wings. […]
When you’re starting to develop your business there are a range of funding options to consider. One of the most attractive, particularly at the idea or early stage is family and friends. We’ve all heard of the entrepreneur whose mother, father, brother, sister all put […]
Investors meet with a lot of founders who are at different stages, with different business models and varied growth opportunities. However, what’s critical to all investors is the need for founders to have their business fundamentals in place before they meet. What are the business […]