Why Your Personal Finances Impact Your Business! Get Your House in Order, Get Your Work in Order As a female founder, you’re juggling multiple responsibilities, from managing day-to-day business operations to working toward long-term goals. With so much on your plate, it’s easy to compartmentalise […]
Why Women Belong on Both Sides of the Investment Table In the world of startups and investment, a familiar story is unfolding once again. A tech company—this time, the women’s health app Flo—has achieved unicorn status with a valuation exceeding $1 billion. On the surface, […]
Success in business is a pursuit many dream of, but what happens when the fear of success becomes a roadblock to achieving your dreams? Here are the top ways to overcome these fears in your business journey.
There is power in a story. So, why does your business growth story matter and how can you craft and use it effectively?
As a female founder, embracing a growth mindset can be a powerful tool in your journey to build and grow your business.